Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wolf on Base

These pics are from a scout camera back in November. The friend that I went bear hunting with is also a trapper and has permission to trap for foxes on base (base is trying to reduce the number of foxes to limit the problems they can cause when they get on the runway). He set up some traps one afternoon around a gut pile from a moose that had been harvested by a hunter with a special permit the day before. The camera shows him, and then a day later shows a wolf that was feeding on the gut pile. This is the first picture I've seen of the wolves this winter. There is an Elmendorf Pack that keeps mostly to the base in the summer but ventures out on the flats in the winter, but we haven't seen them yet. They killed three dogs this summer - all of which were being walked, some on a leash, at the time. But no attacks on people this year. The pack is led by a large black wolf, and I wonder if the rest of the pack was just out of the field of view when this pic was taken since it only shows one, and they rarely travel alone. Today we had the day off, both of us. School was canceled and the base was shut down due to icy roads. It got up to 45 F today and the snow-packed roads started to melt causing a slippery mess that led to 66 accidents with injuries and 165 cars in the ditch. So we were glad we could just stay home and enjoy the day off. Only in Alaska will you cancel school/work because it got TOO WARM in the winter!! By the way, most people I work with can't remember the last time school around here was canceled. The only restrictions we've ever heard about bad weather is that the kids must go outside for recess unless the temp is below -10 F! So our strange weather winter continues.

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