Conversations in our house are now centered out the back window. Last night, Layne bounded up the stairs at 9:45pm yelling, "MOOSE!" Unfortunately, he was out of the camera's quality range but spring has definately sprung.
First off, the spiders in our house are no longer our enemies. We have started the bombardment of mosquitoes outside...I think they can sting through denim too. They make Texas mosquitioes look small. So I guess the bad insect theory is true; we are surrounded by water so it makes sense.
After a day of continually sticking Grayson on the floor to observe the pair of immature bald eagles fighting; Layne came home from his first day of work to report that there had been a high speed police chase on the highway on his way to work. Fortunately, no one was hurt and the guy crossed the highway behind Layne and not in front.
Tonight we were blessed by the appearance of a bald eagle (and a few more flybys of the immature eagle). I have had my eye on him for almost three hours and he has not moved from our backyard. It is now after 10 and too late to shoot pictures as the sun is setting. If you have never seen one up close they are way cool to look at. Just amazing. I've decided he was drawn to the house by our dinner music, Johnny Cash. If he spends the night, I am hoping to catch a sunrise picture of him tomorrow am...I will post if we are that lucky.
All these pictures are taken from in the house or on the back deck. If these pictures don't convince you to visit nothing will!
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