Thursday, July 24, 2008

After the Rain....

The rains came back with a fury after my last blog and this evening was the first evening that I could sneak outside and take some pictures. This morning there was fresh snow on some of the mountains. Did we blink and miss summer? The sun is beginning to set again, and I had forgotten how beautiful the light play on the mountains and flats could be (probably because I haven't seen them in two weeks). As I look out the window now we are approaching "golden hour" on the hayflats where the light illuminates the flats.
It's a good time to sit back and reflect on the lessons learned from the rain:
1.) The ruts on the Glenn Highway caused by studded snow tires fill with water during a down pour.
2) It's not a good idea to drive in the ruts during a down pour unless you like to experience hydroplaning.
3) Grass grows really fast when there is lots of rain and 20 hours of sunlight (even if it is dim, dreary, overcast sunlight)
4) Even though yard is covered by grass and sloped, it is still muddy when saturated by rainfall.
5) When moose walk on ground that is saturated by two weeks of rain, they create holes.
6) Even though the grass and yard look smooth there may be hidden holes
7) Stepping in said holes does no favor to the ankles
8)The prettiest light and most scenic views come 30min to 1 hour after you think they do!
9) Don't buy your son a "Mommy's Little Monkey" t-shirt, unless you really want him to become one.
10) Children get cabin fever after two weeks of rain, your sanity goes with them.

I am not sure how much blogging will occur from this point on. Our schedule goes from the nice Alaska (slower than slow) pace to full throttle this next month. Layne is on leave next week and my folks will be coming for a visit for two weeks. We will try to tour Denali, Fairbanks, and Seward. After that, it is back to work and school for everyone. Please pray that our childcare and schooling situation works out for the boys. I have found great childcare for the boys however, it requires Landon to go to school out of district. I have not had any response from the school system reguarding a possible transfer. Landon is a little disappointed that cousin Kate has lost another tooth while his remain in his mouth. Grayson is cutting teeth 7 and 8 and is extremely tired. I think he is exhausting himself trying to climb stairs and pushing his birthday toys around. He is definitely the little monkey and can even climb the ladder on Landon's bunk bed (under strict supervision, of course)!

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