Wednesday, October 31, 2018

First Snow (and Halloween)

Winter......and so it begins!

Our first snow was just about 4-5 inches,  but the temps dropped dramatically down to 10ish degrees last night at the house. Quite a difference from the steady 50's that we saw nearly every day in October.

A frozen garden.

This is a cool picture. Jolene took it looking outside from her classroom at the high school where she teaches. Landon is a sophomore at the school, and she is his Chemistry teacher. In the picture, you can see a middle school building in the distance between the high school and the mountains. Grayson is a student at that middle school, and if you look closely you can see the trail in the snow that Grayson walks each day from his building to Jolene's building after school. It gives the school a small-town feel, even though our area has 4 large high schools (800-1200 students each) in close proximity, and several other smaller high schools outside of town.

The moose haven't found our pumpkins yet. Moose love pumpkins, and usually eat them before Halloween comes around, but this year our pumpkins made it through the holiday.

With winter, comes snow shoveling. Funny how the boys are sledding and posing, and Jolene is doing the shoveling?

Glad to have some snow on the ground, but not quite ready for the frigid temps.

Grayson decided to repeat his winning costume from last year. He went as his favorite pilot, me :) using one of my old flight suits from nearly 14 years ago! He really wanted to go as Kevin from the Wonder Years, and has been growing out his hair for just that purpose, but at the last minute decided no one would know who Kevin from the Wonder Years is, so he went with the tried and true cool Navy pilot (always a good choice)!!

Of course, for our neighborhood, he needed to add a watch cap and extreme cold weather gloves, along with some layers underneath, or else he would freeze!

Maybe the raven carving is keeping the moose away?

Snow on the ground and roof, and I failed to put up the Christmas lights beforehand....which means no Christmas lights this year, cause I ain't getting up there on a snowy roof! I guess we'll be the neighborhood scrooges this year.

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