Monday, February 18, 2019

Mr. President: A post for Washington's Birthday

Landon has served as the state president of Alaska BPA this year, and this weekend they held their state conference. So we enjoyed watching him preside over the awards ceremony Saturday night.

The BPA group from CTHS had a great showing, and did well in the competition. Landon will be going to Nationals again this year, this time it will be held in Anaheim, CA in May.

During the conference's "Miracle Minute", the president entertained the audience while other members quickly passed around a box to collect donations for Alaska's Special Olympics.

Here's a video of Landon providing the entertainment during the "Miracle Minute".

Before the awards ceremony, Grayson and I headed out to try an Asian buffet in town that we haven't tried before. Not too bad.

This was the day I got my last cast off, at the 4 week point from surgery. It was good to have no more casts, but the ankle still had a lot of healing left to do.

Since then, I've been in this boot, night and day, and still on crutches. I'll wear this boot for another 4 weeks.

Today, at the six week point from surgery. Still very swollen, but it looks (and feels) a lot better. It's encouraging to start some physical therapy, even if it is only working on improving range of motion. Starting tomorrow, I am finally off crutches (I may have cheated these last couple of days, though, and started putting weight on it this weekend). Feels good to be able to put some weight on it, even if I am still in the walking boot for another month.

Moose are plentiful on the flats this time of year, and easy to see through the leafless trees.

Calves are big enough now to survive on their own for the rest of winter, in case they have to.

Daylight is starting to be noticeably, longer, and it won't be too long before I can resume taking some walks outside. We're not out of the "dark ages" of winter yet, but we're beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Please remember this prayer request. My sister, Buffy, was diagnosed with colon cancer this month. She's a fighter, and I have no doubt cancer will regret picking this fight with her (trust me, she always made me regret each fight I picked with her growing up!). Please keep her, Darren, Laura and Kate in your prayers....."pray for one another, that ye might be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16

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