Sunday, May 3, 2020

No Filter...

The evening summertime glow returned to the Hay Flats, and our chairs returned to the edge of the bluff to help us soak up some welcome sunlight.

It's also time to transplant some of our seedling starts.

Breaking out the straw hat.

Tomatoes did the best as starts. Pumpkins and broccoli got too leggy before I could transplant them to bigger pots, but they might recover. Watermelon, peppers, onions, beets, and cucumbers did fairly well.  Peas, beans and squash are still inside trying to germinate. The plants that are big enough are going outside during the daylight, and back in at night.

Reflection of us and the mountains.

I took a little bit of a risk and planted the potatoes a week or two earlier than normal.  But the weather forecasts have 60-degree highs and lows above freezing for the next ~10 days, so I decided to get them in the ground. Since we have the three raised beds this year, the other three ground-level beds are all planted in potatoes. We composted all our fish waste into these beds last year, and didn't plant anything in them, so hopefully this year they'll produce well.  This is the lower plot.

Potato-planting complete in the upper plot.

We borrowed some young spruce trees from a good friend who was clearing their property to expand their yard, and we planted those spruce up on the spare lot.  We're hoping they do well there.

We added enough pea gravel to the raised bed area to make it comfortable to garden barefoot. I ordered a couple of dump truck loads of compost and garden soil, but it hasn't delivered yet, so these beds are still awaiting their soil.

Jolene and I were surprised to see that the pond we pass on our walk is still frozen over.

Dino's favorite swimming hole, he'll have to wait a little longer before it thaws out enough to go swimming.

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