Monday, April 19, 2010

The Peace of God

There is a scripture that I long ago committed to memory. I first remember reciting it in high school, before and during the football games I played in. It helped me calm my nerves, and taught me to worry less about the things in life that don't really matter all that much anyway. I kept the verse in mind while a Plebe at the Academy, and it helped get me through some very difficult times that year. Later, I found myself reciting the verse while strapped into a jet on the carrier flight deck waiting for the dreaded night catapult shot, the inevitable night landing that would follow, and during combat missions while flying over some very unfriendly lands. The words in the verse have been a great comfort to me during some very difficult times. Sometimes, when life seems easy, I carelessly neglect the verse, and the Word in which it is contained, only to be meekly reminded of its calming power the next time I become anxious about some difficult situation or event in life. The verse is an instruction on how to obtain the Peace of God. It reminds me that, in the end, the only things of value in this life are our faith and our family, and that no matter how much worry or stress we put ourselves through, the truth is this: on this earth, we are nothing more than wayward lambs in the arms of the Shepherd - He is in control of everything, we are in control of nothing. Here is the verse, maybe it could be of some use to you one day.
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6,7

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