Friday, March 3, 2017

North to Alaska - First Half

(Posted by Layne)

We kinda let this blog go for a while.  We started it when we moved to Alaska the first time in 2008, so I thought I would revive it now as we return home to Alaska.

I found the lost Autobots.  They're hanging out just across the Canadian border, in case anyone is looking for them.

I started the trek Northward on Tuesday.  Just about hit the halfway point in mileage today on the fourth day of travel, but the second half of the trip I expect will take much longer, about 7 days, primarily because I plan to stop and enjoy the views along the way - and plenty of views there will be. So far on the trip I've traversed Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota and Saskatchewan, Canada.  Not to slight those places, but the best is definitely yet to come.  ~2,090 miles down, ~2,220 miles to go.

Tomorrow I cross the Alberta Plains, and after that, it's on to the Alaska-Canadian Highway (ALCAN).  It's my third time on the ALCAN, but the first driving the whole route.  Doing it in Winter makes it that much more appealing to me.   Our dog, Dino (as in Dino Might, like Dyno-Might) is along for the ride, to return to his birthplace for the first time in 5 years.  I can't tell if he's excited about the trip, or just hoping to snag some of my store of Animal Crackers.

Best decision so far:  XM radio subscription (wins hands down)

Worst decision so far: Leaving my second full spare in Maryland.  It won't do me much good sitting in the garage on the East Coast when I hit the frost heaves on the ALCAN. I still have one full spare on the truck, but I prefer to carry two on the ALCAN.  Guess the movers will get to transport my second spare.

On Day 1, I stretched the miles to get to Cleveland, hoping to get on the North side of a group of nasty thunderstorms.  I made it to Cleveland. So did the thunderstorms. I was awoken three times between 5 and 6 am by my phone warning me I was under Tornado Warnings. At one point, three Tornado Warning areas overlapped right over top of, you guessed it, my chosen location near Cleveland. There was plenty of rain, wind and light hail, but thankfully no Tornadoes.

Day 2 saw rain, rain and more rain, until it finally froze into icy sheets on the road. I pressed as far as I could into Wisconsin, until at one rest stop I realized I couldn't stay standing due to the thick ice on the pavement. So I decided to pull off and find a place to put up for the night. No pictures for those first two days - just a typical drive through the Mid West.

Day 3.  Wisconsin to North Dakota.  North Dakota reminds me of Texas.  Windmills, oil and a view to the horizon in every direction.  Little colder, though.  It hit -6 F outside of Minot.

Day 4.  Well, day three didn't end too well.  The cold temps caused my engine to 'whistle' (video proof below).

At first I thought it was a vacuum leak, or belt loose.  I was hoping it wasn't a bearing going bad. But the sound was like nothing I've heard coming from an engine.  So I slept on it, and tried to figure it out the next morning.  This morning it was still there.  And then my phone died.  I don't mean the battery died, I mean the phone gave up the ghost, right as I was calling around trying to get some other opinions on whether or not a whistling engine was an impending sign of doom, or just an annoyance.  2 hours later, the engine was still whistling, the phone was still dead, and the mechanic at the nearest dealership in Minot couldn't help with a diagnosis.  He just said, "Never heard that before, don't know what it means." And looked at me as if to say "Ought to be an interesting drive up the ALCAN for you."

So I prayed, kind of a Job-like prayer. Not one where I'm asking for anything, but just taking the time to remind myself that all things are the Lord's to give.....and to take away, as He sees fit.
Then....the phone came back on.
Then....the engine stopped whistling.
Now, I'm not one to look for signs or miracles. But I do believe that every once in a while we are gifted with a little reminder of who really pulls the strings in this life.

The rest of the day was a beautiful, uneventful drive through Saskatchewan, Canada.

Random thoughts while driving:
#1 - Crosswinds make my mudflaps chatter.
#2 - Ridge, MD to Wasilla, AK is almost 1/6th of the way around the circumference of the Earth. (Thank you, Siri, for that time, please wait until I'm done with the drive to compare my trip to a planet)
#3 - I almost drove into a snowbank while trying to remove a dog hair from my de-frost vent.  I bet not many people can say that.
#4 - There is a car dealership on the East side of Fargo that is called "Gundersuns", and I've clearly seen too many Coen brothers movies.
#5 - My phone auto-corrects "Saskatchewan" to "Sasquatch", which makes for some interesting text messages.
#6 - I did a great job of bringing enough food to last me the whole trip, problem is that I'm halfway through with the trip, and out of food.

See you tomorrow.

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