Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Construction on Base

There's been alot of new construction on base here in Lemoore since we last lived here. It was too hard to explain all the new buildings to Jolene on the phone/skype, so here's some pictures of the changes. They finished a new section of base housing called Freedom Park. It looks a little different from the housing we lived in last time, but still very, very nice compared to normal Navy standards. Most are two story single family types, with the same size yard and garage as we had last time. The first and second picture above show the new community center, with a nice pool off to the right. I think there are two of those buildings that have been built, but there might be three. They've done a good job of keeping the housing and amenities as nice as possible to help the families stationed here - especially since Lemoore isn't exactly considered a "garden spot" of places to be stationed. Unfortunately the air quality here is still abysmal, with smog from LA and plenty of chemicals from local farming in the air. Unlike in West Texas where the wind seems to keep the air moving and much cleaner, the Valley here gets bogged down with low quality air due to the two mountain ranges on each side which tend to trap plenty of smog/chemicals/dust. The area surrounding Lemoore is considered to have the worst air quality in the US, and not a good place for anyone with asthma/allergies. The smell from the surrounding dairy farms only add to the unique Lemoore experience. I guess it's been too long since I lived on a farm, but I could use some Alaska fresh air! The next few pictures are some examples of the new housing in Freedom Park. The last pic is of one of the trees by the chapel that fell down last week during the wind storms we had. I decided to park the truck away from the trees around our parking lot which ended up being a good move since one of trees was blown over and nearly took out a couple of cars. It's been alot more windy here than I remember it being before, but not too hot. Most days have been in the low 70's, and in the high 50's at night. Jolene and the boys climbed the Butte today in Alaska, so hopefully she'll be able to get some pictures up of the climb in the next few days. Landon finished school this past week and I'm sure he and Grayson are keeping everyone busy around the house.

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